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Interplanetary cruise

Interplanetary trajectory calculation

Earth to Mars trajectory and departure conditions

The following examples show the use of CelestLab functions for basic interplanetary trajectory calculations. The trajectories are computed using Keplerian propagation (central force only) and patched conics approximation.

The objective is to determine an Earth to Mars trajectory and all departure conditions from a low Earth circular orbit.

The Hypotheses are:

Note: First execute the code below to initialize some variables and utility functions.

// -----------------------------------------------
// Data
// -----------------------------------------------
// Gravitational parameter for Sun
MUSUN = CL_dataGet("body.Sun.mu"); 
// Gravitational parameter for Earth = default value
MU = CL_dataGet("body.Earth.mu");  

// Dates of departure from Earth / arrival at Mars (TREF)
cjd_dep = CL_dat_cal2cjd(2016, 3, 1); 
cjd_arr = CL_dat_cal2cjd(2016, 8, 1); 

// Semi-major axis of (circular) injection orbit 
sma_ini = 500.e3 + CL_dataGet("eqRad");

// -----------------------------------------------
// Utility functions
// -----------------------------------------------
// Plot trajectory in ecliptic (2D) 
function Plot_traj(cjd_dep, cjd_arr, pos_dep, vel_dep)
  kep_dep = CL_oe_car2kep(pos_dep, vel_dep, mu = MUSUN); 
  cjd = linspace(cjd_dep, cjd_arr, 100); 
  kep = CL_ex_kepler(cjd_dep, kep_dep, cjd, mu = MUSUN); 
  pos = CL_oe_kep2car(kep); 
  AU = CL_dataGet("au"); 
  plot(pos(1,:)/AU, pos(2,:)/AU, "thickness", 2);  
  xtitle("Trajectory in ecliptic (EOD)", "X (AU)", "Y (AU)"); 
  a = gca(); 
  a.isoview = "on"; 

// Plot some orbital elements (returns figure id + bounds for second plot function) 
function [fig, bounds]=Plot_orbElem(cir)
  inc = cir(4,:); 
  gom = CL_unMod(cir(5,:), 2*%pi); 
  pso = CL_unMod(cir(6,:), 2*%pi); 
  bounds = [zeros(3,2); 0, %pi; min(gom), max(gom); min(pso), max(pso)]; 

  fig = scf(); 
  plot(CL_rad2deg(gom), CL_rad2deg(inc), "thickness", 2); 
  xtitle("X = RAAN (deg)   -   Y = Inclination (deg)"); 

  plot(CL_rad2deg(gom), CL_rad2deg(pso), "thickness", 2); 
  xtitle("X = RAAN (deg)   -   Y = Argument of latitude (deg)"); 

// Plot additional results 
function Plot_newOrbElem(fig, bounds, cir)
  inc = cir(4,:); 
  gom = CL_rMod(cir(5,:), mean(bounds(5,:))-%pi, mean(bounds(5,:))+%pi); 
  pso = CL_rMod(cir(6,:), mean(bounds(6,:))-%pi, mean(bounds(6,:))+%pi); 

  plot(CL_rad2deg(gom), CL_rad2deg(inc), "ro", "thickness", 2); 
  plot(CL_rad2deg(gom), CL_rad2deg(pso), "ro", "thickness", 2); 

1) Interplanetary transfer

Determine Earth and Mars positions at departure and arrival dates and compute the velocity vectors using Lambert method. All calculations are done in EOD frame supposed to be inertial.

// -----------------------------------------------
// Transfer from Earth to Mars (EOD)
// -----------------------------------------------
// Positions of planets from Sun ~ Solar system barycenter 
// Frame = EOD, center = Sun
[posbody_dep, velbody_dep] = CL_eph_planet("Earth", cjd_dep); 
[posbody_arr, velbody_arr] = CL_eph_planet("Mars", cjd_arr); 

// Transfer: computes heliocentric velocity vectors at arrival and departure
duration = (cjd_arr - cjd_dep) * 86400; // seconds
[vel_dep, vel_arr] = CL_man_lambert(posbody_dep, posbody_arr, duration, mu=MUSUN); 

// Departure hyperbolic excess velocity (EOD)
vinf_dep = vel_dep - velbody_dep; 

// Plot trajectory
Plot_traj(cjd_dep, cjd_arr, posbody_dep, vel_dep);

2) Departure conditions

Determine all possible injection orbits (inclination, RAAN, argument of latitude) where the (tangential) injection maneuver has to be performed. The orbital elements are obtained at the perigee of the hyperbolic orbit.

// -----------------------------------------------
// Departure conditions on hyperbolic orbit (ECI)
// -----------------------------------------------
// Excess velocity in ECI frame
vinf = CL_fr_convert("EOD", "ECI", cjd_dep, vinf_dep); 

// Generate all possible impact vectors (origin = Earth center)
// pinf = circle perpendicular to vinf of radius d = "impact" distance
d = CL_ip_flybyParams("vinf", CL_norm(vinf), "rp", sma_ini, "dinf"); 
M = CL_rot_defFrameVec(vinf, vinf, 3, 3); 
alpha = linspace(0, 2*%pi, 201); 
pinf = d * M' * [cos(alpha); sin(alpha); zeros(alpha)]; 

// All position and velocity vectors at periapsis (hyperbola)
[pos_hyp, vel_hyp] = CL_ip_flybyVectors("pvinfd", pinf, vinf, ["posp", "velp"]);

// -----------------------------------------------
// Departure conditions on circular orbit (ECI)
// -----------------------------------------------
// Velocity on circular orbit + orbital elements
v_ini = sqrt(MU / sma_ini); 
pos_cir = pos_hyp; 
vel_cir = CL_unitVector(vel_hyp) * v_ini; 
DV = vel_hyp - vel_cir; // DV, not used
cir = CL_oe_car2cir(pos_cir, vel_cir); 

// Plot results
[fig, bounds] = Plot_orbElem(cir);

3) Direct method (knowing the inclination of the injection orbit)

First determine the orbit plane (i.e. RAAN) then the argument of latitude.

// -----------------------------------------------
// Direct method
// -----------------------------------------------
// Imposed inclination
inc = CL_deg2rad(50); 

// -- Step 1: look for RAAN such that orbit plane contains vinj
// W0: angular momentum when RAAN = 0
W0 = [0; -sin(inc); cos(inc)]; 
[q1, gom1, q2, gom2, Inok] = CL_rot_defRot1Ax(W0, [0;0;1], vinf, %pi/2, numsol=2); 

// Note: if Inok <> [] => no solution (or only one)
if (Inok <> [])
  q1 = CL_rot_defQuat(ones(4,1) * %nan); 
  q2 = CL_rot_defQuat(ones(4,1) * %nan); 

// -- Step 2: look for PSO (= argument of latitude)
// PSO computed using Euler angles: axes = [3,1,3], angles = gom, inc, phi
// The 3rd rotation angle phi = pso + %pi/2 + turnang/2: 
// pso => angle from ascending node to injection position 
// %pi/2 => angle between radius and velocity vectors (circular orbit) 
// turnang/2 => cruise on hyperbola from perigee to infinity (velocity // vinf) 
W = CL_rot_rotVect([q1, q2], W0); 
q = CL_rot_defRotVec([1;0;0], [0;0;1], vinf, W); 
angles = CL_rot_quat2angles(q, [3,1,3]); 
turnang = CL_ip_flybyParams("vinf", CL_norm(vinf), "rp", sma_ini, "turnang"); 

// Solutions (circular elements)
newcir = [[sma_ini; 0; 0] * ones(1,2);       // sma, ex, ey
          angles(2,:);                       // Inclination = [inc, inc]
          angles(1,:);                       // RAAN = [gom1, gom2]
          angles(3,:) - %pi/2 - turnang/2];  // PSO

// Plot additional results in already created figure
Plot_newOrbElem(fig, bounds, newcir);

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